
At Avanti, we know that our operations impact the world around us, both positively and negatively. We are mindful of the impact we have on the environment and are committed to finding ways to operate our business more sustainably.

To help us deliver on that commitment, we have reviewed how our business operates through a sustainability lens and spoken to key stakeholders to understand what matters to them.

As a result of that review, we are focusing our efforts on the following 5 “Sustainability Pillars”.  Although our sustainability work is not limited to these areas, these are the areas that we believe are the most material to Avanti and where we can have the biggest impact.

Our 5 Sustainability pillars

Pillar 1 – Connectivity

“Using our connectivity for “good”

We strongly believe in the power of connectivity to do “good” and, in particular, to improve people’s lives by “connecting the unconnected”, thereby facilitating access to education and healthcare and stimulating economic growth.

Further details about the various ways in which our services and products can be used as a force for good can be found here

Pillar 2 – Space Sustainability

“Safeguarding space for future generations”

We believe that space is a common resource, that should be used in a responsible and sustainable way.

We are therefore committed to playing our part in safeguarding space for both current and future generations by:

  • playing an active role in initiatives that are focused on ensuring that space is used in a sustainable way by all space actors; and
  • finding ways to conduct current and future missions as sustainably as possible.

Further details on the specific actions we have taken and initiatives that we support can be found here

Pillar 3 – Energy and Emissions

“Committing to a Net Zero Future”

We recognise that climate change poses a serious and very real risk for life on our planet.

We are therefore committed to ensuring that we play our part in reducing our GHG emissions.

As part of that commitment we:

  • have established our baseline carbon footprint and will continue to measure our Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions on an annual basis;
  • are working to find ways to reduce our energy use and emissions across our operations; and
  • are using that information to set meaningful short/medium-term and long-term carbon reduction targets.

Pillar 4 – Electronic Waste

“Reducing our electronic waste”

The use of electronic and electrical equipment is a necessary part of our business.

However, we know that such equipment can easily become waste, resulting in pollution of the environment and in finite resources being wasted unnecessarily.

We are therefore committed to operating in a way that minimises e-waste, including working with our suppliers and customers to find ways to reduce the amount of electronic waste we collectively create.

Pillar 5 – Responsible Procurement

Engaging our Supply Chain to ensure a sustainable future for all

We believe that organisations like ours play an important role in creating benefits for society as a whole, through minimising negative impacts on the environment, ensuring rights of workers and championing fair business practices.

We are therefore committed to working with our suppliers that operate in an environmentally and socially responsible way.

More specifically we:

  • have a zero tolerance to bribery and corruption, modern slavery and other “unsustainable” business practices; and
  • assess current and potential suppliers using sustainability criteria and take these criteria into account when deciding who we work with.