EE demonstrates disaster recovery technology using Avanti Communications’ Ka-band satellite connectivity

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EE pioneers air mast technology for rural broadband coverage and disaster recovery via Avanti’s Ka-band satellite

Avanti Communications Group plc, a leading provider of satellite data communications services in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), enables successful deployment of disaster recovery technology with leading UK Mobile Network Operator (MNO), EE. The deployment of the technology was demonstrated today, live at The Oval cricket ground in central London. The solution saw EE’s patent-pending balloon air mast technology demonstrate how mobile coverage can be maintained in rural areas, during disaster recovery and for search and rescue, using Avanti’s satellite connectivity.

The MNO with the largest 4G coverage in the UK showed how mini mobile sites attached to a helium-powered balloon called a ‘Helikite’, can provide wide area 4G mobile coverage where permanent sites have been damaged or across areas where 4G coverage is not available. EE also unveiled Rapid Response Vehicles (RRV) as a vital capability to keeping networks running through essential maintenance and local site outages. With 100% coverage of the UK, Avanti’s High Throughput Satellite (HTS) technology is able to provide a reliable and flexible Satellite Backhaul solution to around 1000 fixed and portable base stations across the UK, enabling connectivity nationwide.

The solution uses small cell technology, which then connects back into the EE network over Avanti’s Ka-band HYLAS 1 and HYLAS 2 satellites, or using EE’s own 4G spectrum, to make calls and access the internet even in the most remote locations. EE plans to reach 95% UK geographic 4G coverage by 2020, and with Avanti’s satellite service now in place, EE will be able to reach more remote and rural areas of the country, whilst simultaneous sly boosting the resilience of the network.


EE’s breakthroughs in developing innovative aerial solutions have been achieved with the support of the most innovative partners from the mobile industry and beyond. Avanti has enabled a fast, reliable satellite backhaul connection and looking ahead, beyond even our ambition to reach 95% of the UK geography, I see innovations like this revolutionising the way people connect.”

Marc Allera, Chief Executive Officer of EE, commented:


Partnering with EE to address rapid deployment and coverage in rural areas emphasises the quality and reliability of our satellite technology. The partnership is a key part of extending UK mobile coverage to support EE in its strategy to deliver the best performing network across the UK.”

David Williams, Chief Executive Officer of Avanti, said:

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