We have connected seven sites across six refugee camps in Uganda

At the UN Global Refugee Forum in Geneva in 2019, Avanti pledged to collaborate and donate satellite connectivity and laptops to seven sites in refugee settlements across Uganda.

We are proud to announce that the project is now complete and all seven sites are now connected. Through the delivery and installation of free solar connectivity equipment, bandwidth, laptops, tablets, this project brings high speed satellite internet and ongoing maintenance and support to seven sites hosting refugees in Uganda, including Bidibidi, Imvepi and Palabek camps.

The power of connectivity

This contribution from Avanti is having a profound impact on the residents of these refugee settlements in Uganda and the communities that host them.

When someone flees conflict and persecution, connectivity can be the lifeline that helps them reconnect with loved ones and start to rebuild their lives through education or work opportunities. Internet connection is often the only way refugees can keep in touch with their family and friends.

Education opportunities for Mawa at Imvepi settlement                                                              

Avanti connectivity has been fundamental to the on-going education of this young student, still enrolled in a university in South Sudan. Internet access allows him to continue his studies and participate in engaging conversations with his fellow students. Mawa says that without connectivity he may have dropped out of his studies. He is also able to use social media to communicate with friends and family both inside and outside the settlement and admits that it helps take his mind off day-to-day life in the settlement.

UNHCR staff speak with a user of the connectivity services provided by Avanti © UNHCR / SOA

Business opportunities for Robert at the Rhino Settlement                   

Robert is Executive Director of the community-based organization Refugee Action for Peace Building Initiate (RAPBI) . He visits the site daily to access the internet for 1-2 hours. It allows him to attend online meetings for his work and organise awareness activities for youth and women in the village around reproductive health. Additionally, Robert uses his time to improve his skills, such as using computer programs. He is also working towards a certificate in managerial skills. Most importantly, internet access allows Robert to keep in touch with his family back in South Sudan.

Further, he notes that by creating a hub where refugees can congregate, he is able to reach more youth to share information around reproductive health.

Find out more about UK for UNHCR: https://www.unrefugees.org.uk/

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