Connecting schools in Niger

With over 50% of the country’s population under 14 years old, education remains a major challenge in Niger. The need for quality education for both teachers and learners has never been more critical. However, the country’s limited resources cannot meet the growing demand for education within the large school-age population.

The Niger Ministry of National Education, Literacy, Vocational Education and Promotion of National Languages, the National Agency for the Information Society (ANSI), and Avanti Communications partnered to connect pilot schools in the country. This initiative marks a significant step towards enhancing educational infrastructure through technology in the country.

Solution and Implementation

Avanti deployed high-speed satellite connectivity and equipment, including digital devices, all powered by solar energy, and used to set up an ICT lab in each school. Training in how to use the equipment and tools was also provided as part of the pilot.

Solar-Powered Connectivity:

  • Solar VSAT terminals, specifically designed to operate in rural Africa, were installed in the schools to provide reliable high-speed internet connectivity. 
  • A solar power solution installed in each school powers the computers and equipment in the ICT labs.

Educational Transformation:

  • From books to online content: Transition from the limitations of traditional book-based content to flexible digital online educational resources.
  • ICT Labs: A dedicated classroom in each school  fitted with Raspberry Pis and ICT equipment for high-speed and reliable satellite-enabled internet connectivity. The ICT labs facilitate digital learning and provide hands-on experience with EdTech for both teachers and learners. 

Outcomes and Future Scope

In the schools where Avanti’s satellite-enabled EdTech solution is installed, teachers and children now have enhanced learning opportunities through access  to digital online educational resources. Learners are more engaged because learning is more interactive, utilises multimedia content, and can be adapted to learners’ ability, improving the learning experience and outcomes. 

This project is just the beginning. The scope of this initiative will eventually expand to connect thousands of schools, villages and health centres across Niger, significantly broadening the impact of this transformative effort.

By leveraging advanced satellite connectivity solutions, Avanti Communications, in collaboration with the Niger Ministry of National Education, Literacy, Vocational Education and Promotion of National Languages, and the National Agency for the Information Society (ANSI), is paving the way for a brighter future for education, digital access and healthcare in Niger.

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