Yesterday, the 24th of January, marked the International Day of Education. This coincided with the launch of Avanti Communications Girls Education Awareness Program, a program close to our heart and a commitment to the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

As part of the Girls Education Awareness Program, we will be releasing a serious of videos commenting on education, updates on our work and featuring Avanti staff, GPE youth leaders and various partner organisations.

Many of you will be wondering why this blog post is titled Peter. Whilst browsing LinkedIn, something many of us do every day, I came across a post that stated in the Netherlands there are more CEOs called Peter than CEOs that are women. This imbalance is reflected all over the globe, but is particularly prevalent across Lower Income Countries, and only through empowering girls will this be addressed. This is one of several reasons Avanti continues to champion girls’ education: through our support in Primary and Secondary schools across Kenya, our intention to expand this support across Africa, and our continued commitment to our partnership with the GPE.

Through the tireless work put in by Avanti and our partner organisations we have made a genuine and real difference to girls in Kenya and continue to look at ways we can expand this across the continent.

I believe that Africa’s answer to Oprah Winfrey, Beyoncé, Mark Zuckerberg, or Richard Branson is waiting to be discovered and can help provide the economic spark to reduce poverty levels across Africa. We will continue to work with our partners across Africa to connect the unconnected, provide an education to those in the hardest to reach places and bridge the digital divide.

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